A Mother’s Day Wishlist… of the material kind
Starting very soon (as in any day now) I’ll join the league of females with their own special day to be appreciated each year: Mothers.
Growing up, we celebrated Mother’s Day (and in August, my mother’s birthday) with a trip to the desert for some exploring of new roads and mountain tops, but with one slight change. Mom got to pick where we were going all day long. At every fork in the road we yielded to her whims. I don’t know if it is how she wanted to be appreciated, but to us kids it seemed like a pretty big deal. It seemed like a huge responsibility too… what if she chose wrong? What if the adventure of a lifetime lay down the right fork, and she chose left? I wondered if she might have appreciated a new sun hat more than the weight of Fate resting on her decisions.
Looking back I realize we never once regretted my mother’s choices–never once did we go home thinking “Man, that’s the last time we let her decide which way to go!” And I also recall her enthusiasm about what we saw after each decision (“oooooh, look! A Short-eared Owl is hiding in that Juniper!”, “My goodness! Have you ever seen such a view?” , “Those clouds remind me of a Maxwell Parish painting!”). Adventure is in the eye of the beholder, and mom showed us how to recognize it, no matter which path you took. (more…)